
Divide the figure into the required quantity of pieces with the limited number of cuts. At the top of the game, it will tell you how many cuts you can make (on the left) and how many pieces you need (on the right). You need to make EXACTLY that many pieces!

How To Play Divide?

Click, Hold and Drag. Just divide it!

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Who Developed Divide?
Divide was created by Gibton.
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Thrilling Adventure!
Divide is an absolute blast! The gameplay is fast-paced and exciting, keeping me on the edge of my seat throughout. The graphics are stunning, creating a captivating virtual world. I've spent countless hours exploring the challenging levels and mastering my strategies. Highly recommend this game to all the thrill-seekers out there!
Addictive and Fun!
Divide is incredibly addictive and loads of fun! I love the unique concept of dividing and conquering to progress in the game. The controls are smooth and responsive, making the gameplay experience seamless. The variety of levels keeps me engaged and coming back for more. It's the perfect game to unwind and enjoy some gaming time. Give it a try!
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