Blind Shot

Blindly shoot the targets! Study target locations and wait for your screen to darken to begin shooting.

How To Play Blind Shot?

Tap/click to hit targets.

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Who Developed Blind Shot?
Blind Shot was created by Joshua Hall.
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A Thrilling Challenge!
Blind Shot is an absolute adrenaline rush! The game's unique concept of relying solely on your hearing to navigate through the levels adds an exciting twist to the traditional shooting games. The graphics and sound effects are top-notch, immersing you into a world of suspense and thrill. With each level, the difficulty increases, keeping you on the edge of your seat. Highly recommended for all gamers seeking an intense gaming experience!
Addictively Challenging!
Blind Shot is a hidden gem among online games! The concept is incredibly innovative, requiring you to strategically aim and shoot without relying on visuals. The game's intuitive controls and smooth gameplay make it easy to get hooked for hours. The levels are cleverly designed, progressively testing your skills and reflexes. Don't underestimate the challenge this game presents! Prepare for an addictive and rewarding gaming journey!
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