Squid 2 Glass Bridge

You have to find the right glass on the challenging glass bridge and pass over it. You must follow the green path shown for player 456 to select the correct glass block. Also, if you can't get to the other side within the specified time, the game is over. You can improve your memory by having fun with 50 different levels. Get your attention and start playing now to get to the other side without breaking the glass!

How To Play Squid 2 Glass Bridge?

Select the glass pane you will go to with the left mouse click.

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Who Developed Squid 2 Glass Bridge?
Squid 2 Glass Bridge was created by Meyagames.
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A Thrilling Adventure Underwater
Squid 2 Glass Bridge is an absolute blast! The graphics are stunning, and the gameplay is addictive. I love exploring the underwater world and overcoming the challenges on the glass bridge. The controls are smooth and responsive, making it easy to navigate through the obstacles. This game is a must-play for all young gamers!
Unleash Your Inner Explorer!
I can't get enough of Squid 2 Glass Bridge! It's like diving into a whole new world filled with excitement and adventure. The concept of maneuvering across a glass bridge as a squid is unique and refreshing. The levels are well-designed, offering a perfect balance of difficulty and enjoyment. I highly recommend this game to all young gamers out there!
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