Impostor Royal Killer

As a pure Dead survival arcade game named Impostor Royal Killer, you need to kill all the other team members as the last survivor. Cameras will increase your field of view enduringly. Shoes and rocket packs will improve your speed for a while. Try to pick up weapons and kill other guys on the platform!

How To Play Impostor Royal Killer?

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Who Developed Impostor Royal Killer?
Impostor Royal Killer was created by
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A Thrilling Adventure!
Impostor Royal Killer is an incredibly exciting and addictive game! The graphics are top-notch, and the gameplay keeps you on the edge of your seat. I love the challenges and missions that make each level more thrilling than the last. It's definitely a must-play for all gamers out there!
Unleash Your Inner Detective!
Impostor Royal Killer is an absolute blast! This game combines strategy, puzzle-solving, and detective work into one thrilling package. The storyline is engaging, and the characters are well-designed. The game mechanics are smooth, making it easy to navigate and enjoy. I highly recommend it to all young gamers looking for an immersive experience!
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